How will meditation benefit me on a daily basis?
By practicing meditation, you can help to still the fluctuations of the mind. When you start to create awareness around your thought, and the feelings that are triggered by those thoughts alone, you have the ability to change your body’s physiological response. The benefits are endless and include; reducing stress and therefore reducing cortisol levels, better sleep, weight loss and much much more. Remember, the mind is a muscle as well and it also needs to be given the opportunity to rest and repair just like every other muscle in our body.
What foods should I eat when participating with YogaDetox programs?
Recommendation is to eat as less processed foods as possible and increase plant based foods. This doesn’t mean you have to become a vegan, you just need to ensure that your body can access quality plant based foods which contain active constituents to help heal the body. If you are time poor and unable to access the required nutrients, it is recommended to supplement to ensure your body is getting the required fuel it needs to function at an optimal level.
Will I lose weight on the YogaDetox Program?
This is completely up to you and how prepared you are to make changes to benefit your health in the long term. YogaDetox Programs have worked many times over with great results, it is a lifetime process of learning self love and taking the time to look after yourself. In other words, putting yourself as number 1!
People who have accessed our programs have had some amazing results that are life changing. If this is something you are wanting to commit to, contact us now for more information.
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